Frequently Asked Questions About RubPage Massage Services

Body rub and Nuru Massage answers

How may we be of help?

RubPage is of the most trusted and secure body rub directory in the world. You can find a verified erotic massage professional in your area by browsing your city and contact them directly. Our website has a lot of different categories and convenient filter to help you find the most suitable services for you. Just start typing your city and check the providers you like. Each masseuse has a contact information listed and all of the bookings need to be requested directly with them. We are not their agency but rather a platform to connect customers and massage therapists around the globe.

You can sign up as a provider to start advertising on our platform. It’s a very easy process. Each advertising account can create multiple ads (listings). Our advertising rates are very competitive and even providers with very modest rates can see a fast return of their investments. If you don’t see a lot of listings in your city don’t get confused, it simply means you will get even more attention from the browsing customers. If you see a lot of providers advertising in your city and you want to get noticed by more clients, you can create multiple listings in your city.

Please do not become a victim of fraud. Never transfer any money even if it’s ”to hold your appointment”. Please report such fraudulent ads to our customer service.

Our advertisers set their rates and we can not control it, please check with them directly. Rates for erotic massage depend on popularity of the model and the economic situation in each particular city. You can always ask your provider if they have any special discounts for first-time customers or any other specials they may have at the moment.

We are a platform for entertainers and do not advertise medical professionals. If you are in need of medical massage therapy, please check your local directories that specialize in those. Nuru massage is form of non-sexual entertainment that involves two people having a body-to-body contact without penetration. It’s legal in many places of the world. Please check the laws of your country and state.

  • Asian Massage category lists asian spas and massage therapists
  • Latina Massage category lists masseuses that consider themselves Latina
  • Thai Massage is a traditional massage technique that combines deep tissue pressure, muscle and joint stretching, and gentle manipulations of the body. Research has shown Thai massage to beneficial for pain relief and for easing symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Sensual Massage
  • Japanese Massage
  • Deep tissue Massage
  • Prostate Massage to the point of orgasm is also sometimes recommended as an alternative treatment for prostatitis, a condition that means the prostate is inflamed. Draining fluid from the prostate ducts can help to relieve pressure.
  • Erotic Massage
  • Busty Masseuse category lists busty therapists that are not shy to show it.
  • Happy-ending Massage means ultimate relief in the form of orgasm and given using hand.
  • Body Rub 
  • Nuru Massage. The word “nuru” translates to “slippery,” referring to the masseuse’s technique of using their oiled body to massage a client. First, a masseuse covers their body in nuru gel, which consists of natural ingredients, such as extracts from seaweed and various botanicals, in a water mixture.
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Couples Erotic Massage
  • Four Hands Massage is also known as sandwich body massage as it’s done by two therapists. It’s like experiencing a full body massage-lapping you up in oodles of pleasure and leaving you energized and in high spirits at the end of the session.
  • Tantric Massage
  • Fetish BDSM
  • Indian Massage
  • Soapy massage is when the masseuse and the client are both naked and they use soap or shower gel to create a slippery surface. The masseuse then uses their body to massage the client, often using their hands, breasts, and other parts of their body to provide stimulation and relaxation.

We are in every country and every city of the world. If you don’t see your city on our website you can contact us and will add it to our system the same day.

We will never ask for your personal information. Please be cautious when someone is asking for your payment information, money ”in advance”, or other sensitive information.